Faith Formation is an ongoing journey that never ends. It started when you were born. The decisions your parents and family made about how you were exposed to faith in your young life are all built up to your faith now. Everyone is at a different place in their faith formation journey.
Church, baptism, Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, holidays, and home life were some decisions your family may have made for you to start off on your faith formation journey. The next step you are about to take yourself is with the help of your family, friends, and church family.
The Confirmation Program is a 2-year preparation for your confirmation. During the next 2 years, you will be:
Actively learning what is involved in the workings of our church
Experiencing and examining church services and sermons
Working with & learning from members of our church
Observing how every individual, regardless of age or gender, is vital to our church.
Learning the history of Christianity, the United Church of Christ, and our church
Sharing your talents with the church, the community, and the world
And so much more!
What is Confirmation?
Confirming that you choose this as your spiritual path
Confirming that you choose to be a member of the Union-Congregational Church
Confirming that you choose to continue to grow in your faith formation
Confirming that you choose to take your place within your church family as a member with full rights and privileges
Below you will find the 2023-2024 workbook. We invite you to join us in our confirmation program. Please contact the church office at 920-324-2801 or email our Christian Education coordinator at uccwaupunce@gmail.com.